
Gaming Elements and Educational Data Analysis in the Learning Design of the Flipped Classroom

“The GALE workshop was hosted by the 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) 2019. The aim of the GALE workshop was to gather and discuss evidence on different designs and implementations of flipped classrooms, with a focus on cases that incorporated gaming elements or learning analytics in flipped classrooms. The workshop employed a series of diverse and inspiring exercises, making use of different interaction modes to engage the participants in discussions on topics related various aspects of the flipped instruction model. Moreover, the workshop invited authors to submit research papers on related topics. This book presents the selected papers after a vigorous double-blind review process.”

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Open access
  • “The GALE workshop was hosted by the 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) 2019. The aim of the GALE workshop was to gather and discuss evidence on different designs and implementations of flipped classrooms, with a focus on cases that incorporated gaming elements or learning analytics in flipped classrooms. The workshop employed a series of diverse and inspiring exercises, making use of different interaction modes to engage the participants in discussions on topics related various aspects of the flipped instruction model. Moreover, the workshop invited authors to submit research papers on related topics. This book presents the selected papers after a vigorous double-blind review process.”

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    1. edition



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